The life of Grinder
Well I promised you that today I'd unveil who I'd like to be. Given that this is only a first draft, here it is, a compendium of where I'd like to be by May 16th, 2008, my self-imposed cut-off date for turning things around. As to how I'll get there, well, that's going to take some figuring out...
- Income
- Minimum of $100 Daily
- Stable
- Multiple Streams
- Finances
- No short-term debts
- No student debts
- “Safety Cushion” Mutual Fund of at least $10,000
- Professional Life
- Re-establish Grinder Productions as a success
- Write as much as I want to
- Publish all works
- Build things
- Buy a new vehicle or meaningfully repair current vehicle
- Totally integrate the money-making possibilities of technology
- Personal Life
- Weight problem conclusively under control
- Use the gym
- Physical prep for move into house under way
- Get a new wardrobe
- Plan for and take a vacation
- Skills and Activities
- Musical Appreciation
- Computer Skills
- Learn to Sing better
- Learn to Dance
- Learn to play an instrument
- Take a community college or Continuing Ed Course
- Make the movie of “Living”
- Start Video blogging and add to blog
- Mental State
- Continually cultivate better friendships
- Find and secure a lasting positive relationship
- Conclusively defeat periodic depression