Fresh Starts

I'm on a brand-new internet connection this morning!

Thanks to the world's greatest wife needing a telecommuting option for the snowy days in the winter I'm working this morning on a new something-or-other stick that's much, much faster than dial-up. I have to be careful now not to go over our montly data amounts (or else it starts costing us more money) but the freedom to work anywhere (no phone line to hook up) and the luxury of actually being able to do things online without waiting all day has put me in a pretty good mood (oh yeah, and the extra hour of sleep on Sunday morning didn't hurt either).

Newsletter will be out tomorrow, for those of you who may be wondering. This week I'm also working on updating the website - going to take another stab at the photo gallery (again, much easier without the dial-up) so if there's anyone out there who's got some pictures from a past Grinder Productions show and doesn't mind sharing them I would love to include them this time around - though I expect the gallery will be a perpetual work-in-progress, and we just don't have pictures available from every single show we've ever done.

I've got a busy week coming up, but I'm feeling pretty good about it. We're in a rebuilding phase here at Grinder, and I think that if I stay smart about it this week could go a long way towards making our future success a reality.

Here's to a fresh start on a Monday morning.
