Four Little Things

Frequent readers of this blog (both of you...) may recall a post I wrote a couple of months back called "Four Big Things," detailing my adventures in a few of the larger projects that were then overwhelming my consciousness. It proved to be a useful tool to organize my thoughts, so I've decided to do it again, this time to talk about four "little" things - the plays and other events that I'm doing this summer. Here they are, in chronological order:

Is it a Cench, or is it a Bouch?

This is the play that we've been rehearsing for several weeks now, and it's proven to be a blast to work on. Along the way we've overcome hurricane-force winds, torrential deafening downpours on a tin roof, stifling heat, cats sitting on the prompt script, and even a recalcitrant skunk blocking the door, but through it all the cast has continued to not only persevere, but thrive, and the play has grown from a mere collection of sketches into a cohesive narrative with a meta-theatricality that any student of Brecht would notice, and enjoy. This play is two nights only, this Friday and Saturday! Admission by donation.

Next up, the very next week, is something completely different. It's called Open Arms, Open Stages, and is three nights of local talent. This is my response to the collapse of my Week 2 show, Maid of Stone, and while it's not what I set out to do, I couldn't be happier with how it has turned out. A lot of the "Grinder regulars" have jumped on board, but we also have a lot of new people performing alongside them. I have had the chance to get to know so many new people through this process, performers that I typically would never cross paths with, and I'm sure that at least one new creative partnership will be struck between artists over the course of these shows. I couldn't ask for anything more. This show takes place July 25th, 26th and 27th and once again, admission is by donation.

My third show is the first one that you have to buy tickets for, but trust me, it's worth every penny (and it's only $15). It's called Couch Surfing, and it will be going up at the Guelph Fringe Festival on these dates:
  • Thursday, August 8th, 6:30pm
  • Friday, August 9th, 9:30pm
  • Saturday, August 10th, 4pm
Our shows are taking place at the Guelph Civic Museum, 52 Norfolk Street, and tickets are available here: Couch Surfing

And I would be in remiss if I didn't mention that another Grinder regular, Mya Leworthy, also has a show in the Guelph Fringe. None of the showtimes overlap, so if you're coming to see Couch Surfing be sure to stick around and see The Velveteen Rabbit

The last of my Four Little Things is a bit farther off, on September 21st, with the performance of my short play "Good People" at the Grand River Arts Festival, as part of their 1-Act play competition. Tickets will go on sale shortly for this event so I don't have a link, but it looks like it's going to be a lot of fun.

And once again, there's another Grinder regular involved in this festival as well - Nicole Smith will be there with Polly's Island!

So those are four little things that I'm working on this summer, in between, well, everything else. Those of you who know me well have perhaps gleaned that the pace of my life has been rather... frenetic... these past few years. I have, quite literally, spent too much time at the office, and finding a new balance has been my priority this summer. I haven't found it yet, but working on these shows is taking me, I think, in the right direction. Here's hoping that I can continue to find more time for the things I want to do in the weeks and months to come, and get back to being the kind of creative soul that I need to be. 

I hope to see you this summer!   
