5 Women Wearing the Same Dress Returns

Just a quick reminder that our held-over production of 5 Women Wearing the Same Dress re-opens tonight for 3 shows only at the Belwood Hall. If you missed the chance to see this great show the first time around don’t make the same mistake again!
Call 519-780-7593 for tickets, or get them at the door.
Upcoming Shows
At the Ennotville Library:
Commedia! - A Comedy
A scripted revival of a scenario from this hilarious Italian genre
July 23rd—August 8th
Vaudeville - A Variety Show
Join us for this throw-back to the show-stopping comedians of yesteryear!
August 13th—August 29th
At the Belwood Hall:
5 Women Wearing the Same Dress
*A comedy by Alan Ball, Directed by Stacey Ingham
July 30th, 31st, August 1st
Dress Code
A new play by Eric Goudie, Directed by Becky Branton
August 20th, 21st and 22nd
All shows , dates and venues subject to change.
*Produced by Special Arrangement with Dramatists Play Service, Inc.