Yikes it's been a long time since I last blogged! Sorry for the long silence, my friends. It's been absolutely insane at Grinder lately, and while I hope to be back on track with regular daily posts for next week this is all that I'm going to be able to write this week. However, I do believe that taking time for yourself is an important thing, and that's a lot of what this blog is for me, a chance to think out loud about what we're doing, how we're doing and where it all goes from here. We've got several irons in the fire at the moment. A Midsummer Night's Dream is well into rehearsals, and it looks like we're going to have a great show. It has been very refreshing for me to work with so many new members of our company, and the future looks very bright indeed, as anyone who can pick up Shakespeare and run with it, comprehend it, and make it their own is a pretty capable actor, at least in my books. We're also in preparation for the Winter 1-A...