Storm and Stress

Grinder 2019: Five years seems like a lifetime ago. First off, let's get the orange elephant in the room out of the way - most of what follows was written before November 5th. I don't know if that makes any difference or not, but I feel like I should mention it, for the sake of transparency. I don't know if you've been following the news lately, but there are two or three wars going on right now. An election is underway for our friends in the Land of the Free, and it looks increasingly likely that the Fascists are going to prevail. In our own country an election is also on the horizon, through it's anybody's guess as to when, with a choice between bad and terrible (I'll leave it to you to decide which is which). The planet continues to burn, unabated, as the self-interest of a few damns the future of billions. And art-making, that thing I love to do that sustains me more than oxygen, is still being defined by others, who do not make much art, in nothing but...