Apparently there was 13th Disaster

If you remember my last post, I mentioned the dozen disasters that stalk me. I thought I had outsmarted them all, for the moment. Perhaps I did. But there was one more disaster. First, the good news - rehearsals for Benches and Couches are going well. Personally, I started off slowly, and it took a couple of nights before I really got my directorial feet back under me, but now that post-rehearsal rush is back, and stronger than it's been in a long time, and that's a very empowering thing to work with. We've come together quickly as an ensemble, and already the play has taken on new dimensions, thanks to everyone's enthusiastic input. We've added, discarded and rewritten scenes, and have wrested a plausible narrative out of a series of what seemed at first just a random jumble of sketches. We're all having a lot of fun. But of course this is Grinder, so for every high it seems there must always be a low. Just as we were on the cusp of starting rehearsals for th...