Four Big Things

I have four big things going on right now, and I need some help to get the word out about all of them. Any and all assistance would be graciously appreciated, and not just by me. Here they are, in no particular order: First up, I'm doing a play! Not me personally, but as part of a large and talented ensemble. That I'm doing a play might not be that surprising, but what is surprising is that it's not with my theatre company, but with my old friend Deb Stanson and Elora Community Theatre. Our production of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice opens on Friday, May 3rd, and runs until Sunday, May 12th. I play, perhaps a bit ironically, the rich, handsome, young, "catch-of-the-county" Mr. Bingley. It's a great show with a great cast, and we've had a lot of fun rehearsing it. I hope you can check it out. Learn more and buy tickets Second, I'm hosting a Symposium! Again not me personally, but as a proud board member of Reseau SPARC Network - Supporting ...