Winter, spring, creativity, serendipity, and goats

It doesn't feel like winter tonight, but I know it still is - at least it certainly felt like it yesterday. I know it's still winter, but I know we're coming to the end of it. I'm running out of time. I had hoped to fill this month's blog posts with images of half-built set pieces, the beginnings of something amazing emerging from the darkness of the shop, and maybe even a few glimpses of what I hope will be a transformational year in the visual design of our Ennotville productions. But alas, as always, my plans are thwarted by reality. The reality is that I've been too busy. Weather notwithstanding (I don't feel very creative when I'm freezing cold) there just haven't been the minutes to get stuff built. Yes, I'm still plugging away on the boxes, as those of you who read my last post will likely recall, but they're still not done, and it will take a huge effort to get them done this month. To say nothing else of the half a dozen other thi...