Thinking Inside the Box

One of my projects this winter (I have way too many winter projects) is to clean up our tiny basement, turning it from a low-ceiling dumping ground for rubber boots, unnecessary counter top appliances and other assorted kitsch into a true scholar’s bastion. As an avowed minimalist there’s not much in the way of “stuff” that I attach much meaning to, and I’m unlikely to ever be any sort of collector, but one of the things I do value is my aging collection of printed literary material. As you might imagine I do have a fair number of plays, but I also have some works of fiction, philosophy, poetry, and a collection of non-fiction works on topics like woodworking, agriculture, and of course stagecraft. As a theatre-maker, writer, farmer, and carpenter I actually do make frequent use of these materials, and organizing them has become increasingly difficult, especially as life has gotten in the way, and the basement has become ever more crowded with stuff we really don't need or want. So...