It Begins Once Again

And here we are! Final preparations are almost complete for our two Ennotville productions this year. On the week 1 front, “It’s Too Hot in Here” is, well, heating up. The set this year is looking a little different than the past couple of years, but I still haven't managed to "think outside the box" as much as I'd hoped to. Still, this is taking things in a new direction, and doing stuff that I've never done before. Of course, there’s much work still to do - costumes are going to be a big part of this play, and we can’t really start on that until we have that other main element in place - the actors! Luckily, we’re almost fully cast, and I'll be showcasing all of them in some upcoming posts. I'm looking forward to working with what is turning out to be a great mix of old friends and new. And we even have something we don't normally have for one of my Ennotville shows - tickets. Since this is a fundraiser we are selling tickets to this show only, and ...