March is going out like a... kid

The Beef Eater Well here it is - another month, another missed deadline for a mid-month post. I suppose I should just move the goalposts back a bit, and aim for one post per month, any day of the month, during the off-season. It's been a very, very busy March. But I don't want to talk about how busy I am - everyone does that, as if it's some sort of contest to see who has the most pitiful, over-stretched life in the rat race. Many of us play up on our exhaustion as a matter of routine, and we can't help ourselves, much of the time, but when we can avoid talking about how busy we are, I think we should (and if we are empirically too busy, then instead of talking about it we should be actually doing something to actively address whatever it is that's too much to handle). Instead, I want to talk about the great art in my life, that I'm finding time for despite the hustle, that in fact is a huge part of what I need as an antidote to the hustle, a balm on the sore...