Off-Season Problems

How I spent my Saturday Night - rockin' out at the SPARC Conference in Prince Edward County, Ontario with "That's What She Said" A few days ago I realized that I'd missed last month's posting window - I usually try to get something out around the middle of the month when I'm not in shows. So it's been a while since my last post, and it's been a while since I last actually wrote anything of any substance. It's not that I haven't written - I have - just not as much and not with nearly the reckless abandon that produces some of my best work. I've been in a bit of lull since the summer, and the ideas haven't come as thick and fast as they usually do. Into the void has stepped, well, life, and I've been busier than ever doing a lot of things that are really important, but that don't always leave time or space for my own creativity. Time to change that, I suppose. I am pleased to report that ideas for t...